Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Steve200 | | | | | | |
Chriso | | | | | | |
Rolz | | | | | | |
Vando | | | | | | |
Shane | | | | | | |
BC | | | | | | |
Davo | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
Geoff Ringe |
Steve1001 |
Flashman |
Ben |
Mr Keen |
Average | 35.94 | 31.90 | 20.84 | 22.90 | 26.66 | 68.44 |
Steve200 (37512km):
11 days ago Manly, QLD, AU. FF98, NP 5.8, Chopper 33.
First time on the 5.8 in over a year and the wind was cranking. Having a ball until my board caught a rail at over 30 with my back foot stuck in the strap.Felt something twinge in upper leg and too sore to keep going. Hopefully should be ok. Great day anyway.
Chriso (17727km):
11 days ago 2 categories   Nice bump sesh, long runs looking for ramps. Just Nick out until the arvo crew.
DYN95, S1-5.7
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Rolz (12537km):
11 days ago 2 categories   Did a run up to Caloundra today with Vando... was too south so only had a very small run that was super sketchy as u had really small opportunity to pull up in time. really pissed off with the LCD motion, super lucky I decided to take the mini-motion as I didn't trust it from last time it crapped out... get home and it's crapped out again in a safemode boot loop and can't reset it... have to wait until it drains flat now and will try an old firmware... my DYI GPS has been more reliable. First time on the 6.2 with a fin... felt great and can't wait to get a chance to use it again some time.
Severne M5 6.2m SB 90L Tribal 34
Vando (58839km):
11 days ago Military Jetty, QLD, AU
Headed up the coast with rolz to check out some banks unfortunately wind was too south for the main run. So went to the shorter bank further north. Very sketchy off the wind. With some nasty sharp chop.
Decided to pull the pin and head hom . Haven't given up on this place just need the right direction.
Gear tribal 88, ka5.7, sp25
Shane (16704km):
10 days ago Lumpity lumpity bumpity S/SE with bullets and drop-outs.
Lots of mullet fish jumping today as well as a few windsurfers..
I wonder how the flat water wanderers went today?
Tribal Radix 98L / Aero 4.8m2 / BP25 Weed
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
BC (32160km):
10 days ago 2 categories   high tide sail manly
fox 95, duke 4.7
Davo (11581km):
10 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU Magic ride 104, 7.8 moto, fangy 24
Very cruisy day, out with locals Cliff and John.
Cocky (61444km):
9 days ago 1 categories  Manly
105 Fox Pro/ 6.8 Moto / 32 AWW
Should have rigged smaller.
Worked up wind to King Island to Thornlands.
To much sail of the wind downwind to Manly.