Flex (20553km):
23 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU. More light wind cruising with only one other slapper out. Nice in the gusts, crap in the lulls. Really creepy water. Albany looking good to get away from this rubbish.
Stretch (32413km):
23 days ago Koombana Bay, WA, AU. Wingfoiling. Fun sesh with Rat, Stroppo, Bender, Otts and 4-5 others all out on foil
Rondog (11394km):
23 days ago Albany, WA, AU
That was a weird south wester. the gust where brutal 40kn plus, then strips of nothing. the tide was high when dave and i started but was droppping ,so later on it was nice and small chop. Good to see Dave givn it ago today.
47wavewand-5.7ka-16delta speed