Pointman (27215km):
17 days ago 1 categories  Rocko
Fun sesh powered up on the Hydro 85 + 460 + 6.0 combo.
Couldn't replicate the 29 peak I got on my last outing, but it was fun trying.
Had to interrupt my sesh to lend assistance to a fella sailing a dinghy, who was struggling. He was clinging to the side of his boat, after capsizing a few times, and didn't have the strength to pull himself onboard (and when he did the dinghy was tipping over). I positioned myself on the opposite side of the boat, to counteract the turning moment when he hauled himself onboard, but he was still struggling, so I climbed onboard and hauled his ass onboard!
Then we capsized again!
By this time a yacht was circling, offering a tow line, so I handed over my rescue duties and resumed my sesh.
It was tiring work, so I made my way downwind after that.
Good fun! I was hoping for better speeds, but today was not the day for speed.
Updated my distance from the watch, cos the motion ran out of juice again.
