Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Doddi |
Jay |
Stretch |
Woody-Mark |
Pos |
Antman |
kai |
Richo 72 |
Al |
Rondog |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 31.84 | 30.22 | 15.49 | 20.65 | 24.90 | 58.32 |
Flex (20553km):
12 days ago Point Grey, WA, AU. Fairly light wind sail with Boz and Nauli. Started on 7m but couldn't get going so changed to 7.8. Just got going on this despite Boz running circles around me and considered getting the big guns out. However was planning and the odd gust kept me at it. Boz seemed to be risking super long runs nearly to Yunderup and deep into Austin bay despite the fickle wind. Nauli launched, did one run, beat us all and the wind died so I called it as had other stuff to do leaving them to it. Hopefully the wind came back for them. iSonic97, SvOD7.8, TWS31
Boz (46775km):
12 days ago 1 categories  Point Grey, WA, AU
Morning sail with Flex and Steve. Lightish wind but enough to keep going without getting off the plane. Did a bit of a run towards Austin and over the Cays. Just missed fingers as he was rocking up as I was heading home.
AV 88 KAR 7.1
Pointman (27215km):
12 days ago 1 categories  Majestic Point, WA, AU
Nice sesh at Foilville in a gusty Nor'wester.
Went with the Hydro 85 + 6.0 + 460 SLR, which was comfy in the gusts, but I spent a lot of time slogging through lulls.
The gusts were nice, and I strung together a few good runs 

Slowboat (50749km):
12 days ago 2 categories   Melville, 8.7m 135 41MK3
Taste of winter! Moderate NWer. Missed the strongest wind due to work but had a fantastic sail. All the rain yesterday made the water super murky. Storm surge washed a fair bit of crap into the water so was catching loose reeds on a lot of runs. Easy enough to jump off. Good to catch up with the crew on the beach. Another March session. Yeehar