Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hawk | | | | | | |
Helga | | | | | | |
Rudi | | | | | | |
Pale Rider | | | | | | |
Nairda | | | | | | |
Knut |
Magnus |
Haggar |
Vindr |
Astrid |
Gmac |
Box56 |
Shifu |
Shield Crusher |
Happy |
Gusto |
Moz |
Robbo |
Kenlo |
Dylan72 |
???? |
Murf |
Ragnar Lothbrook |
Average | 30.18 | 28.47 | 12.13 | 19.27 | 26.48 | 51.96 |
Hawk (36193km):
4727 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU quick sail before wind dropped right out 94 i/ 33 select /6.2 mk3 rss
Helga (25510km):
4727 days ago Burrum Heads 111 exocet 6.6 koncept
Great sail
Rudi (43093km):
4727 days ago 2 categories   Burrum Heads, QLD, AU 90 l exocet 6.7 severne
Was having a great sail until I hit omething big! Bent boom and head through the sail. I was rescued but they didn't take me in - so i had a very long long walk with my broken things.
Pale Rider (7193km):
4727 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU Up and down day. Futura 111c and H2 6.7. A lot of mucking around tuning, fin 37 S10
Nairda (113km):
4726 days ago 1 categories  Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
Tabou Manta 65 - 100 litres and 6.0 sqm Hot sails GPS