Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Chris Adamson | | | | | | |
Stringer | | | | | | |
25 | | | | | | |
Recycle | | | | | | |
Istaaack | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Spock | | | | | | |
Snides |
Tim Stockton |
Claude |
Craig Mann |
Dan Engdahl |
Whitey |
Matthew Langer |
JC |
Neil Daffen |
Linds |
Gav |
Mick |
Lachy |
Aiden |
Aids |
Average | 43.87 | 41.66 | 18.11 | 26.02 | 30.28 | 84.56 |
Chris Adamson (14466km):
3335 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Wicked conditions, though couldn't quite get fully lit. Merry Christmas - happy times! :)
5.2 Warp, Manta 49, CL23
Stringer (7685km):
3335 days ago 2 categories   Peel Inlet, WA, AU
5.5 eVO 3 mISTRAL95sp, tRIBAL 25
Play of the day to PJ on big bertha
25 (14484km):
3335 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Liptons with a moderate crowd and a good number of SRMs! An epic day as per the forecast!
It built from solid 6.4 to comfy 5.8 for me. Best speeds early on the SXXS and 6.4.
Some great posts to come no doubt!
RSR E5 6.4 / RSR E4 5.8 later. 08 F2 SXSX /Mistral speed 47, KA 23 assy /MXR UFO 22.

Recycle (17196km):
3335 days ago Liptons with a good number of locals and blow ins like myself.
mistral 47 e5 5.8 vector speed weed 21
Istaaack (4358km):
3335 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU
Great fun to see the Swan River Mob hit there straps and hang with some of the local crew.
Went on the Patrik speed 53 / loft 7.0 / vector 27 speed weed. After getting hammered and making hard work of it in strong winds, decided to take the offer of the 6.4 E5 . changed the fin to a 25 vector speed weed.
Didnt really have my mojo today but still had a few decent runs. Probably needed a liftier fin for the speed board. The 6.4 E5 was actually pretty hard to say any bad comments about , nice sail
Slowboat (50202km):
3335 days ago Peel/ / pt grey. Epic early xmas present. Great to share it with the happy crew. Was busting to get on the 5.5m again so used that with M47 and Tribal Weedspeed 21. Destroyed the fin in the early part. Was feeling a bit draggy with the leading edge all blunted up from the gritty weed. Strop meanwhile said he pulled a couple of 45s and I hadnt seen more than 43 since early on. I saw Chris sanding his fin so borrowed some wetndry and did a super quick and dirty reshape. Bam 45s. Best 10s was 43.7. Great day! Stropp there were a few extra 42 10s in there I didnt notice... pretty close eh?! good times. Accidental alpha and NM.
Spock (628km):
3335 days ago Mandurah.
What a day! all the speed demons were there today and the wind was in. Put the foot down with the 107 iSonic and couldn`t believe the speed the beast produced! Thanks for the fin Stroppo that made all the difference, and Istaaak for the lift down! Yeeew!
107 iSonic, 23ish Vector weed, 6.3 KA Race