Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Teaks | | | | | | |
Harry Bell | | | | | | |
Lachlan Bell | | | | | | |
Hamish | | | | | | |
BC | | | | | | |
Ken Anning | | | | | | |
Darryl Meares | | | | | | |
B-rad | | | | | | |
J-rad | | | | | | |
mkseven |
Cootharabean |
Cocky |
Azuli |
Fin Boy |
Ezza |
Richie Fish |
dunin |
Average | 35.52 | 33.20 | 22.83 | 23.38 | 31.92 | 72.83 |
Teaks (3808km):
5883 days ago 2 categories   Waterloo Bay. JP Slalom II 84, 6.6m TR4, 30 cm Vector.
Harry Bell (582km):
5883 days ago
Lachlan Bell (101km):
5883 days ago
Hamish (2641km):
5883 days ago Bayside 1hr - Manly, SE-ESE 15kts 20 gusts, lumpy to begin with, ankle high at the end (nice). Picked the small sail coz I haven't used it before. Plenty of power for the first couple of hours, did a bit of floating at the end. The hour was going well until I sailed into the channel north of the island. Zero wind, literally. Took 10 minutes of slogging and air rowing to get back into wind. My best hour included this doomed excursion. Would have been an easy PB there... still, think I got pbs on dist and nm, so not bad in the end.
F2 Stoke 106, Naish Redline 6.0 '07
BC (31768km):
5882 days ago 2 categories   bad day powered up at first hit something came to quick stop put head through sail
Ken Anning (2561km):
5882 days ago sailed v/p first couple of runs were great but it died as the day went on.89ltr falcon 6.3 warp 35select fin.
Darryl Meares (2055km):
5882 days ago Went up to Burrm with big JC. Aiming for a big hour for the Bayside GPS event. Hard to do an hour there as it was a tight reach out into some harsh chop, with a good free run home. First time there gave me some PB's - funny what flat water can do. Session cut short as JC was pissing blood everywhere from a potatoe peeling incident the night before.
Naish sp 80, North ram f9 6.8m, select devil 31 - should have changed fins but oh well.
B-rad (33434km):
5882 days ago 2 categories   Bayside 1hr Challenge today. What can go wrong in 1hr? harness line broke boom pin popped. Had to reset time after a great 35mins of sailing. Managed to tie harness line onto boom( not ideal and struggled to hook in on starboard with line so twisted) continue downwind from wello to manly.
Supprised to get a PB with all the trouble.
F2 Sx/M 7m Tr4, 36cm Fin
J-rad (1733km):
5881 days ago Well tried to go for hour, but injury from fiday night prevented extended sailing. Pretty happy though. Wind was about 18-22 with a couple of 25 kt gusts. Sailing out at the end 3 leads as too much east too come right in the full length.
F2 SX xs 7.3 Ram F8 29 Stock fin.