Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
The Salty Pom | | | | | | |
Matt D | | | | | | |
Royce | | | | | | |
Norm | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Chris Christensen |
Adam |
Mike |
Mehore |
Fergo |
Beaker |
PD |
Jamie |
Wayno |
Josh |
Frothie |
Troy Botting |
WadeM |
Macca |
The Flying Mullet |
Milos |
Greg |
Otis |
A.D.Z |
Stu |
Maui Paul |
Loclan |
Babylon |
Vic |
JD |
LB |
Sneaky Pete |
Loic |
Tom 069 |
Mick Hay |
Sam K (AUS-1811) |
Santo Kay |
Rob75 |
Nathan Clift |
Doolander |
Jimmy |
Vally |
Andrew |
ColinSmith |
Average | 39.10 | 36.25 | 16.62 | 24.56 | 27.85 | 67.29 |
The Salty Pom (1220km):
1746 days ago Well,
I got in and out early. A nice quick sail on a sunny morning, a tad too windy for me and my rig though, and I had to cut it short due to family stuff so didn't have time rig the smaller sail. I really should have brought my smaller board along today
The lake was very shallow. Lots out flying around!
Ka 6.3, Starboard Futura 12, 21cm BP
Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Matt D (31957km):
1746 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Another fun day! lots out.
CA FR100, Simmer 6.3 and Delta 18.

Royce (1634km):
1746 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
What a day - in some ways a beast, in others a day for the ages.
SL55 18Delts + Simmer 5.4 -> Speed board SP44 + 16 Delts + 4.4 KA - this was a first time in the water for this sail - I have only owned it for over 5 years. That must say something.
Great to catch up with the COVID aware sailors. A big congrats to my friend Phil W that came for the first time today. Never had is board on the plane before today. He went out when it was still feral with my 4.4 KA and his big board (had to be over 70cm wide) close to the shore. Against my advice he gave it a go after we briefly did some shore drills. He had the biggest smile - it was really rewarding to see.
Anyway I am certainly stuffed. Goes to show how out of shape I am.

Norm (12840km):
1746 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Thanks Pete for the lend of the gear.
Hawk 58w, Maui hot sails 5.5 and 18 delta

Bill (7220km):
1746 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
5.1 severne, f2 missile, 16 delta

Pugs (10835km):
1744 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU