Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flex | | | | | | |
Slowboat | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Tim | | | | | | |
Pointman |
Doddi |
Jay |
Stretch |
Woody-Mark |
kai |
Richo 72 |
Al |
Rondog |
Lucca |
Average | 37.04 | 33.49 | 14.35 | 20.61 | 28.40 | 73.36 |
Flex (19801km):
215 days ago Boombas, WA, AU. Lots of chop and lots of wind. Arrived with water over the road and Boz/Pos out. Was outside my paygrade from the get go, then the wind picked right up so I made some wimpering chicken noises and came in to prolong life expectancy. The Shroom and Rob arrived. For some reason I followed Boz to Coods to look for flatter water but there was no wind. SRS73, Cannonball and Antman had all rigged for the gusts. Instinct was to rig 7m but like a lemming followed everyone else. What followed can be generously described as a arduous gusty chug fest. Luckily went with the big board so chugged on out. iSonic86, KAR 5.2, TWS31
Slowboat (50202km):
215 days ago Melville W round to NNW
All over the show... convinced TIm it would be awesome... oops. Lined up with the worst wind of the day- its booting now!
rigged for the forecast, and paid with some great floating practice.
118 7m 34MK3
Windy when we were rigging. Then it dropped. First gust that came through was awesome. Especially after 30 minutes of non-planing grovelling. Comfy, could have had a bit more, but enough for one run only. Got my fastest run out of that. vmax 39.6kts. Then it died again... A few hours later another squall came through. Total washing machine and 30kts+ with super heavy rain. 2nd,3rd and 4th fastest runs in that. Not much else after that. The wind was honking when I left Melville...
Boz (45791km):
215 days ago Boombas and Chook
Started at Boombas in the morning while the wind was building and water was noit over the road before the strorm surge. Been wathching the SlalomX and thought well give it a go sending it over the chop. best speed at Boombas. Even though it was flatter at the Chook couldn't improve on the 2 sec. Scott just brilliant in the run of the day caught the squall just as it hit, was more there but too broad. Great catching up with the first shift at Boombas Pos, Flex, Rob and Shroom. Second sesh with Antman (looking good buddy ), Flexaroo, Scot, Ben and one other in the pond.
Fanatic 56 KAR 5.6
Antman (25969km):
215 days ago Boundary Island, Peel Estuary, WA, AU
Under gunned today. Rigged for the forecast that hit just as i left the sailing zone :( Good catching up with the boyz,Scotty,Ben,Boz and Jim.Underdone on the 5.4 SCR,53 Rapid,25 ws.
Pos (14725km):
215 days ago Boombas, WA
Nice session this morning down at Boombas on the Windtech 57SB then 64SB with 6.1Loft SpdBlade. Should have taken Jims advice "don't rely on the forecast" as ended up doing a long run over into Austin bay and then it swung more West. A long, slow schlogg back so learnt my lesson. Dan says "It's supposed to be NW all day and then swinging west later". Jim says "when do you ever trust a forecast? I can't remember how many times I've been caught here when it swings. Whatever you do, don't go over into Austin bay!". I'll listen to your words of wisdom next time Jim!
Tim (2106km):
204 days ago Melville Beach, WA,