Sailquik (29803km):
2431 days ago Primbee, NSW.
Great to meet all the frendly and keen crew today. I recon there were about a dozen out on the water.
What a great spot. Warm water and wind. Can stand up in Knee deep all over the sailing area, no shortage of parking, great locals, and GRASS to rig on! 
At 7am there was already a sailor in the car park waithing for the wind! Wind was 5-10 knots. Thats keen! 
I went for coffee and came back about 10am just as the wind came in. It was coming and going from 10 knots and up to 20, so I took my time rigging, which is easy when everyone enjoys a chinwag. 
Rigged my 6.2m and then the 5.2m.
Started on the IS87 with the 6.2. It was just as some have decribed. Flying for a few minutes and then standing, waiting for the wind again. It was easy and fun though, and I got some nice speeds aroun 37kts in the big gusts on relitively flat water.
After a couple of hours I went in the check the dog, and thought I would get the samller slalom and a shorter fin as the 27cm was tinking on the bottom a bottom every now and then. While was fitting the fin, I looked up and the wind was howling. It just suddenly switched on with water devils sweeping accros the lake. Probably gusting 30-40. I quickly dropped that board abd grabbed the CA40 and 5.2m Koncept Proto.
First think I noticed was that the biggest intense mini-gusts has eased, but the waves had grown substantially. Wind still mid 20's to mid 30's. I jumped on apprehensively due to the rolling chop. It was fine going crosswind, to slightly downwind in the troughs, but bearing away was a bit sacry over the 200-300mm waves. The first few runs were no faster than on the slalom board earlier with far less wind. I started to suss out where the flatter water was and risked a bit more bearaway, and saw a 38 and then a 39. On the last run I found a flatter patch. It was not much flatter but I found myself going directly with the chop in the gust which was a lot better than angling accross it. It felt just like the last 100m at Sandy in a gale! LOL! I sailed back without looking at the watch. On the beach I showed Keef and I was surprised to see a 40!
I had to come in though. Too buggered and arms cramping. Not enough sailing in the last month or two. 
Anazing to me, I wore my 3/2mm wettie and didnt get cold at all! You northerners sure have it easy. 
A most enjoyable session!
IS87, Tribal 27cm weedspeed, 2018 KA Koncept 6.2m - Then CA40, Tribal 17cm, Prototype 5.2m KA Koncept. GW52 (Hour from GW60 as for a reason I have not - no - couldnt be bothered finding out- gps-results didnt save me a 1 hour for the GW52.
PS. One more state ticked off in my quest to do a 40 in every one. Now I only have Tassie to go. Do 'Territories' count?
