Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Sammy | | | | | | |
Captain bogan | | | | | | |
hoppybogan | | | | | | |
Joe | | | | | | |
Warren Mudge | | | | | | |
Dave M | | | | | | |
Hamma | | | | | | |
Tricky Bogan | | | | | | |
Ricky Hamood | | | | | | |
X | | | | | | |
Jimbob | | | | | | |
Choco |
Chris Reiffel |
Norman Clarke |
Dr Duck |
Dazz |
Kym Manning |
Kaz |
Dee |
PK |
Hayden M |
danny |
Pineapple |
Stan |
Average | 39.66 | 37.50 | 19.84 | 23.99 | 31.97 | 133.84 |
Sammy (43276km):
4783 days ago 2 categories   Choppy gusty day at bog:-(
Captain bogan (50839km):
4783 days ago 1 categories  Another early morning start at Boggy Lake with Sam. He caught the one and only carp today . On the water mid to late morning. Started out gusty westerly 15 - 23 and increased to 20 - 30 knots. Hard day very choppy and gusty but fun . Have heard Hamma, Ricky and Jimbob have done some nice speeds at Lake George .
Boggy lake - 20 - 30 knot westerly.
Isonic 86 / 2011 loft racing blade 6.3 and 29cm s07.

hoppybogan (26584km):
4783 days ago 1 categories  Thought i would try the blustery westerly today to crack 30knots.Straight offshore at Stansbury lets you sail across the bay, past the jetty and out past the scallop patch, which is not the norm here. The wind was 10 - 30knots ,nothing at times but then good sheets of wind building to almost uncontrolable. Was quite happy not to stack today unlike last week when i hit the submerged sandbar at nearly full speed and did the old hooked in over the front face plant body slam trick. Had the hole bay to myself today unlike last week when it was like South road. Normaly wouldnt sail the westerly but the GPS was looking at me and so i did and it was well worth it.
Joe (4957km):
4783 days ago

CA SL58 , 5,9 O2 , 32 BLACK PROJECT
hit the water when it was a cushy 15-20 then it went to a mental 20-30. Found the water state confusing and irratic.
Good to sail Boggy . first time back since the infamous Carp incident. Well done on the speeds Carl & Sam.
Boggy Lake, SA, AU
Warren Mudge (154km):
4783 days ago Lake George, SA
20-25 Westerly
Isonic 86 - RSR 6.2 - Hamma Fins 24 @ 30deg.
(posted by Kimba)
Dave M (3969km):
4783 days ago Goolwa Lake, SA, AU Wind: 20-30 (or not much at all)
Tabou 59, KA Koncept 5.0, Choco Speedweed 26
tough day on the lake, way too choppy for my old bones.
first day on the small Tabou for close to two years !
scary fast at times (in the chop),
Hamma (12038km):
4783 days ago JP 49, Vector weed speed 22cm,EVO III 5.5,Lake George
Fun day sailing with Rick , Warren and Jamie.Not the wind we were hopping for but still worth the trip.Nice to see a few 40s again.
Tricky Bogan (22211km):
4783 days ago Quick Wash, Spin, & Rinse in the washing machine at Para with Pete. Had to wait for the tide for some water by then the wind had dropped & was very gusty & shifted to cross - cross off shore 10-13k slug with 25k bullets caught a couple of bullets that were fun between the slug upwind before it all petterered out.
CA Sl62 Koncept 6.6 MFC 34 Weed
Ricky Hamood (2236km):
4783 days ago Lake George. JP59, Neil Pryde RS 5.8, Vector weed speed 24. Good day sailing!
X (4599km):
4782 days ago Not a fun session very choppy and gusty could not get comfortable thus wiped out and broke my boom clamp thus the short session. Madd 138, Hot sails maui SuperFreak 6.3. Twinser 31
Jimbob (26496km):
4782 days ago 1 categories  Beachport, Lake George, SA, WNW 20 to 28, on the middle lake.
F2 Missile, 5.8 KA Koncept, 24 choco weedie. gear was sweet as today solid off the wind and blazed upwind to get me heaps of runs.
Hamma Time.
had the Hamma bros and wazza to sail with, great to have some one push me a bit, thanks for telling me to harden up everytime I was going to change to the 5.0 , ended up on the 5.8 all day which was the right call.
done all my 2secs on port tack but sometimes going back upwind maybe should have done some starboard runs as well.
went for a nm to back up Hamma as he said he had a smoking one ( ? what happened ) done a starboard run but wasn't real happy with it so went straight into a port run which took me down behind the islands near cockys point, lucky I did as that was my best one, was amazed got back with 1 gybe as the choco weedie and missile goes very well upwind.
had 3 hours sleep from night shift and have had the wog foe a few days so was very happy with how i went. done it bloody hard on night shift after though.
HEY MINERAL......... a year already since you sailed with me on your trip.
