Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
hoppybogan | | | | | | |
Retired Bogan | | | | | | |
Jimbob | | | | | | |
Hamma | | | | | | |
PJ | | | | | | |
Tricky Bogan | | | | | | |
Kimba | | | | | | |
Captain bogan | | | | | | |
Choco |
Chris Reiffel |
Norman Clarke |
Joe |
Dave M |
Dr Duck |
Dazz |
Kym Manning |
Ricky Hamood |
Kaz |
Dee |
Warren Mudge |
PK |
Hayden M |
danny |
Pineapple |
Stan |
Average | 42.92 | 41.66 | 26.42 | 24.83 | 34.25 | 169.72 |
hoppybogan (26584km):
4773 days ago 1 categories  Sputnik 285, NP 5.4, 28 pointer then 32 slalom.
Not a lot of wind today so went for distance.
Retired Bogan (6747km):
4773 days ago Boggy Lake, SA, AU Sat afternoon at Boggy 13 to 18 SW, thought it would have come in stronger very up and down Rigged 6.5 NP expression on 103L F2. Dont reckon the 2 sec peak felt that quick but I guess thats the reading, may have been in a gust but the rest of the figures dont support it, guess Ill take it anyway
Jimbob (26496km):
4773 days ago 1 categories  Finally got 40 again after a year since last time.
Lake George, SA, AU from cockys point, Se 20 30+,
F2 Missile, 5.0 KA Koncept, 24 choco weedie.
What a day just so happy to get there again, thought I had the 10 sec as well but just didn't quite get it.
12 sailors out and 10 had over 40.there is some smoking scores coming from the team, well done all.
we had demons devils and crematers. well done to all on the pb's
decided not to gybe and just stop and let out my outhaul before every downwind run and the opposie coming back up, it made a huge difference after being stuck in the 38's for a while.
Been a HUGE 8 days staying at the caravan as sailed every day, heaps on the missile and a distance day and a couple in the sea.

Hamma (12038km):
4773 days ago JP 45,vector weed speed 22,evo 3 5.5
PJ (24612km):
4773 days ago 21-1-12 Lake George SE 8-26 knots-7.8m Loft Blade+Fanatic SL111+Lessacher Duo 36cm weedy, then 6.3m LB+Fanatic 89+Lessacher 32cm Duo weedy.
Totally bummed out, bad series of choices where should have hooked up with crew and just do speed Feel like I've been sent to the corner for penance, sigh.

Tricky Bogan (22211km):
4772 days ago Wow what a roadie! Great company, excellent conditions, and did the wind crank! no waiting for a gust it was just hang on and go.
Kinetic El Nino 57, early KA Koncept 5, Choco 26 speed weed. Struggled to keep the board on the water. It was just too big and the Koncept was more than a handful. At least the Choco was solid and performed like a dream but perhaps it could have been shorter (? did I just say I wanted shorter)
Did I learn sooooooooo much, 1st time on a speed site. I was sailing reasonable tactics at home but wow did I learn how to improve on my PB's from yesterday.
Thanks JimBob, Carl & Tim for the tips. Thanks JimBob for the bunk and Bacon & eggs breaky. Thanks Carl for the company & making the trip go quickly.
Glad the wind did not fill in late in the day as it only took 3 MEN to hold the boards on the roof racks when we were packing up in the 38k gusts
NO I am NOT going back to Lake George until I get my new long leg wetsuit ( ordered a replacement 10 days ago that will no doubt turn up Monday I bet) that weed is so abrasive on your knees!
Excellent Meal at the Pub Friday night with great company. Over all a Bunta Boys Weekend
Sorry about the later post but I was a wee bit tired when I got home at 1am
Kimba (8195km):
4772 days ago 1 categories  Lake George, SA
Evo III 6.2, Falcon 89, Delta Weed 27(35) then Evo III 6.2, JP49, Delta Weed 23(40)
Went for an hour on the big board and scored a screen 42 when heading back for lunch so I thought I woulld stay out for 4 more runs to see if I coulld get a 40 5x10 on the slalom - just made it with a 40.06. Took lunch and put on a full wettie to stop the weed burn on the legs. In hindsight it would have been much better to have worn it both days.
Very happy to get some pb's, it has been a while.
Big thanks to Hamma for organising the House and a trailer tow out to the lake on both days, that 40nm will come soon enough. Thanks Jimbob for freely sharing your local knowledge and congrats on getting 40 again. Good to meet some members from other teams, there was a nice healthy rivalry. Congrats to all of those lucky enough to score PB's and also to those who just got to enjoy the fantastic conditions.
Captain bogan (50839km):
4772 days ago 1 categories  WOW what a day! . Definately the best day ever windsurfing . Lake George really turned it on today starting out 25 - 30 and ending up 30 - 35 with some bigger gusts. 1st 95 k's on isonic 86 with choco 24 weedy and 6.3m blade for hour and alphas and just under 40 knot peak what a brilliant slalom board - fastest for me on slalom and ended up on isonic 50, 24cm choco weedy and 6.3m loft racing blade - what a great couple of combos . Very happy with PB"s - 3 alphas over 25, 3 nautical miles over 34 - thought they were better but too much upwind at start, 5 - 2 sec runs over 40, 4 over 41 and 1 over 42. 6 - 5 x 10 sec runs over 40 and 2 over 41 - very happy . Great to catch up with The Perkins and some VIC blowins and of course my driver down - Tricky - thanks for the lift and the company, Hamma, Kimba and Jimbob - cheers for the bed for the night, the bundy and a great bacon and eggs - remember i did offer to do the dishes . Definately will be back soon....
Lake George - 30 - 35 knots.
Isonic 86 / 2011 loft racing blade 6.3 and 24cm choco weedy
Isonic 50 / 2011 loft racing blade 6.3 and 24cm choco weedy.
