Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Red | | | | | | |
Frant Bucek | | | | | | |
sherminator | | | | | | |
Marcus Karlen | | | | | | |
Tonster | | | | | | |
Average | 36.60 | 34.73 | 20.95 | 22.21 | 29.83 | 118.75 |
Red (15302km):
5879 days ago Connewarre. Sonic 85. Ka Koncept 5.8. FO weedster 28cm then Lessacher chameleon 24cm
Great day on the water with friends!
Frant Bucek (477km):
5879 days ago Who wants a 30 knot nautical mile anyway???
sherminator (3169km):
5879 days ago Team sailing session ...
mostly isonic125, daytona6.6, selectweed30 then later isonic96, daytona5.4, torquayweed28
Marcus Karlen (452km):
5878 days ago Hypersonic 105, Severne overdrive 5.5 select weed 30.
Very nice afernoon, not bad numbers for the Hyper. one of the reasons I could not play soccer was the lack of coordination of my feet. Hence, my alfa racing. Tony W was cracking 37s. Had a few crashes as well but body and gear are almost intact. I need more time on the water!!!
Tonster (1719km):
5875 days ago 2 categories   Lake connewarre. 09 6.6 ka koncept, F2 missile "s" 08, Ka 23cm symm fin.