Tonster (1719km):
4713 days ago 2 categories Another big day at Lake George. Left home at 6.00 am with Jaques and Grant and arrived at about 11.30 to find the wind blowing hard.
Went to the Lake and found Hamma and Choco already had some high 45's on the dial.
They advised us the water level was down and the weed was a problem - UNDERSTATEMENT!!
I took out the XS missile with the 21 Assy fin hoping to get some good peak speeds. Unfortunately this combo was almost impossible to start as the weed was wrapping itself around the board, fin, straps, me and anthing else near it! it was taking nearly 20 mins on average to get it out of the weed and get a run. 11 runs in 4 hrs. Even when getting going there was quite a lot weed on the fin at the end of every run. The Ka 21 assy simply wasn't raked enough and with the water level as it is it's manditory to have a full on weed fin there now..... On to it.... Dont know how many more sailable days the Lake has in it unless it gets water soon.
It was the first time on the 2012 KA Konept 5.8 and it was awesome. We are going to have some good times together. The longer boom feels great off the wind and its nice and powerful in the right places. Half way thru the session, my adjusting pin in the boom came out on one side and the boom was shortening itself on the upwind leg making it way too full and hard work to get back.
Even though the weed monster was trying to kill me all day, it was still a good session. interesting how the weed kept the peaks almost the same as the 100 and 250 m speeds...
Congrats to Hamma for his awesome pb's and for helping me get my gear back to the car.
Plenty of pb's around. Well done to everyone in very trying conditions.
Always great to sail with the Lake George guys.
Gained 4 cuts to my toes and leg from the trailing edge of the fin, one of which probably should have stitches but I'm way too tired and I'll just bandage it.....
Just got in ...12.30 am sleepy....................................