Jacques Kint (17886km):
4379 days ago Day 3......
Well its been a great couple of days but unfortunatly it must come to an end, work and family calling at the other end. The lake this year is definantely no where as good as last year ove all, the speed run is very simular but the entry is rougher, the NM run has foot high chop through it, but might come good in a week or two, overall not bad but the people who sailed it last year at its peak will know where i am coming from, the others will think i am off my head .
Taday was a funny day, Hamma and i hung around a while waiting for it to kick in, when it started to come in we thought it was going to blow its arse off, but it never really did, we waited and waited and thought the best had been, but at about 6 oclock it came back and wasn't too bad, maybe gusting to 30, very unusual to kick that late in the day, by this time i was fried and it was starting to effect my sailing , really struglling to lock the gear down, one run i came in too hot tried to sling shot in over the entry and got loose and hit the water at 43.8, best stack to date!! hit the water skimming like a stone. I had 4 runs over 44 ave and wanted 1 more, the last run i couldn't even hold on the boom anymore, was going to end in missery, so i could it a day, great sailing and loved sailing with Hamma, kept pushing each other all day.
I spent the whole three days on the 5.5 and had it feeling great, never once did i feel uncomfortable, and after the two full days on the speed 43 i had the board traveling great very happy with this years gear.
And out of all the speed fins i have used i have yet to find anything that even comes close to the Lockwood 23 sym and 20 assy amazing, when i was doing my 1 hour on a couple of runs i remember looking and i was sitting on 36- 37 accross the wind on the 23 and 48 amazing power and drive, just a shame i dropped 3 gybes and stopped for weed once.
hopefully in the next coming weeks i will return for some more numbers
Patrik 43,Tr9 5.5, KA assy 20
Red (15302km):
4379 days ago Lake George.. day 3... just keeps getting better!
After 2 days getting comfy on the smaller gear, today was going to be the one. Had a lesiurely start. Was almost last on the water and just took my time. First run of the day was a 40.9 so just kept chipping away and putting a few runs together. 41's kept appearing and some 40+ 10 sec runs... Today could be the day for the average. Convinced I'd seen 4 runs of 40 i went in for lunch hoping that I may sneak in a 40 avge.
Had a bite to eat and by this stage the arms were a bit shot so changed down to a 5m to try some alphas. Never felt really fully lit but still putting away. Stopped to have a chat with Isaac and the Chinaman and then followed the downwind for a run. Pulled up with a 41.7 peak and a mid 40 10sec.. knew I had the average in the bag. Played around with some alphas and then headed in for a beer..
Stoked to see a 42.02 on the GPS but knew that would be short lived and still super happy with the 2 sec PB...
Best part of the day was also seeing everybody else come in with huge smiles from beating their personal bests...
Carbonart 44, KA Koncepts 5.8m & 5m, delta vector weed 23cm ( thanks Jacques for the lend!)