Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
timl | | | | | | |
col | | | | | | |
obi one tobi | | | | | | |
Craw | | | | | | |
Troutty Trousers (AKA Fish Pants) | | | | | | |
Baldy |
Jet |
Benny |
Garry Baker |
Brayden Baker |
Bertie |
Slappa |
Diablo |
Cupsta |
ray gun |
Stacey |
brabo |
jay rey |
Slickmezzie |
Whitey76 |
Josie778 |
Wally Sailor |
goodzee |
sheppy |
Average | 35.62 | 33.43 | 11.67 | 19.26 | 21.89 | 36.50 |
timl (785km):
4356 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
good to be sailing again but felt like a spent more time stuffing about with downhaul, outhaul changing boards, sails etc. Started off with the Futura/7 until I was hopelessly overpowered, switched down to freesex/5.2. Only recorded the end of the session, no PBs today but good to get out in some of the strong stuff, shame it was so gusty.
col (16545km):
4356 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU Patrick 92,R111 6.2,36 volt,23 Wiki speed,JP 32. All the fins under the sun. Not sure which one top speed come from.
Gusty, shifting wind conditions. Never done so many slow motion catapaults before. All in all a fun day out.
obi one tobi (4353km):
4356 days ago Smug! @ Point Walter, WA, AU. Flat water fanging! 6.6 koncept, iso 86 and 30cm Delta FSW fin.
saw 34.44 on the dial and cant stop singing it !!
Craw (4307km):
4356 days ago 2 categories 7.0 rss,118/100 jp ss,34cm fins
Melville ,up and down a lot at first then the sky cleared up and the wind steadied off for a bit,shame I had to go early - nice to get an arm streachin
Troutty Trousers (AKA Fish Pants) (20226km):
4356 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Rrd wavecult 85 blade 4.7 Mfc23
Tried something different today a blast on the wave gear
Peli looked like a washing machine and bloody felt like it
One run down the bank to suss out if she would crack 30 - 31.8 this things got balls
Ragged dolled left right and centre bit sore but was great fun