Smoking a few PBs in the Coodanup flat water heaven with Raygun. Best day windsirfing in a long time with all the Gods smiling.
Iso 86, JP weed 31, Koncept 6.6
F Yeah !
ray gun (14091km):
3357 days ago
5 categories
Coodanup, WA, AU
Isonic 87, Overdrive 6.2, Delta 19.
Amazing day at Fangland. Flat water fun for as far as you needed.
Arrived at water side around 11.30 to be greeted by Obi waiting already. Not another sailor in sight. Obi got caught up helping a Japanese woman who's car was broken into. I think she was parked right at the end of the street. don't think I will park down there again. so we rigged, I pointed out some hazards and we hit the flat water paradise that awaited us.
Proceeded to zip around for the next hour. Came in for lunch with a beaming Obi. Then out again with all the usual suspects arriving throughout the day. In the end after saying goodbye to Obi and having a few more runs including the NM I was toast and ready for the drive home.
Highlight was Obi's smile after session. Low, Fangy's broken boom which cut his session short.
Crab dance.
SOMEPUNK (6558km):
3357 days ago
1 categories
Tried to use the 6.2 Overdrive and 87 I-sonic with Falcon 32cm at Pelican Point but found the set-up wanted to take off on me all the time so couldn't get comfortable. Like so many have said one of the strongest seabreezes I have seen in years!