craiggoo (2352km):
5834 days ago I just kept saying to my self all day... "go speed racer, go, go.... go speed racer!"
I started out at Awatoto in the morning, was really good behind the beach crest, nice and flat. Really tried hard to power through all the gybes, and it paid off with 5 alpha 500's over 20 knots!
I sailed there for a while, and was happy with the flat water speeds, so I packed up and went down to Te Awanga to see if there was any wave sailing to be had. It was a bit lame, but I went out with Simon and Owen and had a few good rides. Wind came and went so I ended up heading home around 4pm or so. Did some family things then saw that it was windy again, so I grabbed a quick bite and headed back to Awatoto. From the earlier sailing, I had a distance of 37 Nautical Miles, so I thought another session at Awatoto I might get to 50 NM. I got up to 46.3 then the wind dropped and I figured it was over. It was absolutely pissing down with rain (all day long) so packing up sounded good. Steve and Brendan (kiters) then showed up and said the port site was showing 20 knots. We waited a few minutes and sure enough the wind picked up at Awatoto as well, so I went back out and got up to 50 NM. This was so close to 100 km, that I thought I better get that again. I switched the display back to NM and it was close to 60 NM, so I figured I'd better get that... then switched back to km, and figured 125 km sounded like a good goal.... finally finished at 128 km in the dark, in the rain.... Yahooo!!!! A few new PB's!!!!!