Drift (6257km):
5302 days ago 2 categories   LOCATION: ANGLING CLUB
WIND: SW- 15_20- GUSTING 25-30
GEAR: Excite Ride 135, 38 mean fin, KA KOYOTE 6.6 down to Excite Ride, 34 cm fin, KA Koyote 5.3
I had a flash back to what the Inlet used to like!. Beautiful flat sections and consistent wind!
The tide had enough water to allow full runs all the way along the strip without having to worry about hitting "the hump". I went out on a bigger combo as I was worried about the wind not being there out on the water. Didn't need to worry!
I did about 4 runs on the excite 135/ 6.6 combo but was starting to get majorly overpowered.
Came in and rig down to the 5.3 and 110 excite. Got a few nice solid runs in before the tide had turned and then the strip began to get bumpy and swirly.
In retrospect I probably should have gone for the 5.9 when I went down sail sizes. The 5.3 felt a bit twitchy and slightly under powered in the lulls.
Still, a day on the water, and strip to myself while the rest of the nation toils away...who can complain?????