Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Dogfish | | | | | | |
Normski | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
RedSurfBus | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley | | | | | | |
JK | | | | | | |
Swagger |
The Matrix |
Camel |
will |
Mike G |
Duncan |
Woody |
Rob King |
Goostaff |
Tris |
Jim |
Cheese |
Gav |
SimonH |
Chrisy |
Dickie |
Stinky pete |
Sam Anstey |
James Faley |
TJ |
TJ |
George Fulton |
Mark newman |
Pippington |
Average | 39.56 | 37.34 | 16.91 | 23.28 | 30.65 | 95.86 |
Dogfish (14874km):
4194 days ago Great to sail with the Captain again, kept working on my gybes slight improvement today very pleased.
Normski (7844km):
4194 days ago Nice day in the rain! Been almost 2 months since we had wind as strong as today. Late swinging so some still going as darkness fell!
ISONIC W54 + X-15 5.8m
Ian Richards (18353km):
4194 days ago Lightwind speed sesh , got a new favourite fin the Slingshot 23, delivers good speed in the light/moderate wind, tried it against 6 other fins and it was easily  the best allround.
Some fun drag racing with the Kiters, Sweeet. :)
RedSurfBus (12504km):
4194 days ago Today was a lot slower than I would have liked. Went out too early so was tired by the time the wind really filled in and swung slightly west. I knew I should have gone for a couple of proper alphas, my decent gybes were always after a downwind run. Nice to blow the cobwebs away, lets hope its not so long before the next session!
Was great to see some of the past regulars on the water as well.
Jim Crossley (5677km):
4193 days ago Had a lot of fun at portland today! Great to sail with friends. Feeling the effects of some off the water training as before I would have got tired sailing for so long.
Sailed the F2 tandom with Simon Cofield that was fun...14m of sail, 185kg of sailor @ 30knots
JK (121km):
4183 days ago What an awesome day at Portland with regulars and not so regulars out, quite a lot of S in it so it was hard to get results so I went witha combo to give me decent performance the whole day with no need to change anything. I was underpowered at the start and at the was about right but was cream crackered so couldn't really make as much use of the improving conditions as Jim did.