Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Michel Meijer | | | | | | |
Menno Barkmeijer | | | | | | |
Frank-363 | | | | | | |
Jadveder | | | | | | |
John Overmeer | | | | | | |
Miguel Agerkop | | | | | | |
Martin van Meurs | | | | | | |
raymondw | | | | | | |
Robert Seinen | | | | | | |
Hans Kleingeld |
Peter Vernet |
Onno Pierik |
Armand van Renssen |
Robert Bennink |
Frank-Jac Pleiter |
windmill |
Agent Mulder |
René Stoel |
Janes |
hubertus |
Janes |
Kees |
Jetnoise |
Robert van Dijk |
Arjen Mol |
Average | 45.82 | 42.42 | 7.60 | 18.75 | 22.26 | 38.42 |
Michel Meijer (4389km):
5123 days ago A perfect day on Strand Horst with sick speeds. But I wasn't able to grab it. The water was superflat but shallow. Sometimes not more than a couple of centimeters under the fin. The wind was in on/off mode with superhard gusts. For me the two didn't came together and after a while i just had enough so I stopped. Also because my sail was falling apart. For some it did come together and congrats to all who achieved a PR.
Menno Barkmeijer (1549km):
5123 days ago Pak die vlaag...
Frank-363 (41195km):
5123 days ago Mixed feeling about this day. Stoked with PB's on run and avg, happy my crash ended without major injuries but the feeling more was possible if I picked the gusts more carefully stays. Martin made a bad crash, wish him a speedy recovery.
F2 MissileXS, HOT Sails GPS 5.0, C3 Slingshot 19
Jadveder (2382km):
5123 days ago 2 PR's Water got to shallow to continue for 3 extra runs. Over 70 again.
Martin all the best with your injured shoulder.
John Overmeer (26015km):
5123 days ago 1 categories  Een fantastische surfdag met veel uitersten zowel positief als negatief. Extreem veel wind, extreem hoge temperatuur, extreem lage waterstand, extreem veel crashes en extreem veel PR's. Zelf ook een paar keer gecrasht door wierhopen vlak onder het oppervlak en door een balk in het 30 á 40 cm. ondiepe speedgedeelte. Eindelijk ook weer eens PR's gescoord. Een max van 76,99 en een 10 sec. run van 71,64. Hopelijk heeft niemand ernstig letsel opgelopen en valt Martin z'n schouder mee.
Miguel Agerkop (4752km):
5123 days ago Intense day on the water, not all ducks were in a row, but I'm happy to have surfed and that in february! John made my day by lending me his boom so I could use the 4.7m2. My own boom is in repair and the bigger boom does not fit. Otherwise I would have to use 5.5m2 and that would be impossible today. Immense windgusts now and then, impossible to get going sometimes. Three of my wouldbe best runs were aborted due to spinout (technique matter, not the fin), a crash once in a while (bruised some back ribs but not very severe). There was hardly no water left in the lake, even with 19cm fin I scratched the bottom occasionally. Martin knows all about that, get well soon! Congrats to all with new pb's! Some speedies were awesome... respect.
ps max display 74.66 kmh
Martin van Meurs (2187km):
5123 days ago 2 categories   Congrats in your day victory Dirk Jan. It's a shame I disocated my shoulder as I wsould have loved to battle with you, but on the other hand I'm lucky not to havew broken anything. The 5.6 Point 7 is even nicer than the 5.0 and worked like a dram. After seven runs I landed full on my boom and ended in hospital. A coule of weeks off for me bu I'll be back more eager than ever as Ireally felt the race was totally open. Rayond, Marcel told me you carried my gear to the beach against the fierce gusts, must have been really heavy to do so lots of thanks!!!!!
raymondw (2909km):
5116 days ago What a wind... Almost EVERY speedie crasht during a run! I had to abort 2 runs due to the wind, first time in 2 years I think... Maybe I need to order a 5.0 also... Check : for the story about MvM ->surfmaatje > strand horst 5 feb
Robert Seinen (847km):
5116 days ago Heavy day at Horst, verry low waterlevel sometimes under 20 cm of water, 1 time i crashed in 6 cm water, with my 21 cm Slingshot, i damaged my board with this crash, but verry happy with the results....