George (3897km):
5142 days ago 2 categories   Sandy Point, Vic, AU Another great day at the pit,this time with jman,bondy and there about midday westerly direction rigged the 6.5 overdrive 95 sonic and 32 cm drake. then changed down to 5.5 overdrive went more sw and wind picked up.didnt have much luck with the gybes but the runs were sweet.Everyone had good time and the fish creek grub wasnt bad either.
Bondy (1894km):
5141 days ago 1 categories  Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Sailed with Jman, Deadwood, and George from Bonno Blasters.
Sailed mainly on an F2 Axxis 93lt 9which felt smooth and reasonably fast, but a bit heavy) with trusty old KA 6.5 Predator. Had a go on the 92 lt Syncro as well.
The wind had a fair bit of west in it, making it a bit tricky to get back upwind, but it was still a good day.
Jman (15832km):
5138 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Great day at the Pit with the guys, as stated fair bit of west in the dirrection at 1st, had the Super Sport out 1st then as the wind turned wsw used the Prokids for the rest of the arvo.
Jp Super Sport 100 , Starboard Prokids S-Type 72, Np 5.8 Alpha