andersbq (8751km):
4091 days ago after a long waiting, it seems to pick up. Even if the canal was all time low in water level, a lot of stoked guys where enjoying themself in the light wind around 14.00, like Spotty, Brad A, DIrk Jan, PatrickVdH. It was hard for all to make it to the end. But I had a feeling that the wind would pick up, I was surprised in my first run that it was that much wind, for a moment I think I was the fastest , but Jurgen came down with 47 on the GPS a me, after my fisrt 2 runs I did some extra downhaul and did my mest run of the day, so easy, but then it started to be more time between the gusts and a lot of rider had problems in the start, including myself, that missed two starts. It is a bit hard to wait for 35 minutes for the next run... Any way have a good feeling for the canal today, wish we had more wind and higher water level... It narrowest part was less than 2 meters today...