Peter (49702km):
2964 days ago BIB, CC, TX. Another trip to South Bird Island Bay, which meant sailing 2.5 km upwind today since the wind was almost straight north. Meter showed averages around 15 knots with gusts around 20 knots most of the time, but it felt a few knots stronger - maybe because temps were only in the 50s. The wind was a bit too light for speed runs next to the island, which was a bummer, because the direction was great. But it was a good day for jibe practice, with runs only 700 m long (less than half of what's doable in NW). You just needed a bit of luck to catch a gust at the right time - I guess I got lucky once .
We now sailed 6 out of the last 7 days, and 5 days in a row. I need a break!
