Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Sailquik | | | | | | |
kato | | | | | | |
Mr Love | | | | | | |
Stuart Eustice | | | | | | |
Shelby | | | | | | |
Seahorse | | | | | | |
Ado | | | | | | |
Peter Johnston | | | | | | |
Mathew Robertson |
Nic R |
Spotty |
Mal Wright |
Tom Chalko |
Mal Faulkner |
andrew dickenson |
Pip (Old codger) |
Brad |
Chinaman |
Dazzer |
Tempest |
Tone |
supernan |
SeaSkip |
Johndog |
Neil Maskiell |
Hajime |
PMosse |
Dazman |
Troppo |
Sunshinesailorgirl |
Josh |
fordy007 |
Phee |
Adrian |
Average | 41.58 | 39.28 | 17.23 | 24.48 | 29.09 | 103.53 |
Sailquik (29754km):
5500 days ago Most of the Pit Crew turned up today to have a go at the team rankings. Unfortunately the wind did not cooperate. It did not come in until quite late in the afternoon (later than forecast) and was up and down and swing around. May have got close to 30 knots in a few gusts but mostly 18-25, sometimes less. Now that it is dark (10pm) I can hear it howling through the trees outside. 
CA 50 and CA40. Koncept 5m. Time Machine Speed26 and KA 20 assy.
Scratch another boom! Sigh......... 
kato (38079km):
5500 days ago 1 categories  Tried to start early but i forgot to get some wind despite BOM,Guru etc saying there would be heaps at dawn. Started on the new Ka 7.5 09 mod,(love it ) with the AB and ended the night with the 6.6/AB and drove every other board and sail in my kit trying to find the right combo. Had the AB tailwalking down the course by the end but it beat walking back up the course like most of the speedies. Had a good bash at a 1hr over powered on the 6.6.Fun day in the end
Mr Love (6877km):
5500 days ago As Andrew described the promised wind didn't eventuate until the drive home. Oh well, at least it let me use the new board, the Love Muscle medium. When you have a new toy you just have to play with it!!! Did 4 runs on the small board none of which I was fully powered and the rest on the new toy. Very happy to do a 39.3 on it. With a speed fin in it it can easily be pushed into the low 40's.
A fun day and great to see so many PiT crew members at the same time.
Dweller 84 Custom (Lovemuscle medium) 54 wide 84 litre Speed/Slalom, 2010 KaKoncept 5.7, Ka Slalom 28 4 runs on the OES Speed 43 and Ka Speed 21.5 Assy
Stuart Eustice (315km):
5500 days ago certainly not a day thats memorable. really average day that looked very promising on the forcast, and from the shoreline. the JP continues to impress, unfortunately not the 20 KA assy. will stick with the 21. sailed till nearly dark looking for that one more good gust to boost the 5 x 10sec. didnt happen.
JP speed 45, KA assy 20, Koncept 5.8
Shelby (3731km):
5500 days ago 1 categories  A lot of time spent waiting for rain squalls which gave time to notice some great double rainbows and the sand blowing over the bank reflecting the color of the sky.
CA Sp44,RSR 5.8,KAssy 21
Seahorse (2398km):
5499 days ago Great to be down at the Pit. Funny kind of day up and down in stregth and round and around in direction. Early on was probably a bit better (or felt it). Only rigged 5.5m thinking it was going to belt in later in the day - had the speed board on standby but didn't bother with it. Pretty disappointed not to blitz my alpha PB - did a couple of smoking ones that were obviously just outside the 50m mark - have to recalibrate now. Really should have rigged 6.5 and tried for over 40 on the Sonic 85 (29 Select Speed). Had mast track too far forward too on thinking about it now...
Ado (4489km):
5499 days ago Most is already said about a slightly disappointing day. Great to be at Sandy Point as always and had fun sailing down to Sandy Point B Run with Craig and Peter. Nice rainbows.
Carbon Art SL55, 5.0 KA Koncept, 23 KA Symmetrical Speed.
Carbon Art SP40, 5.0 KA Koncept, 20 KA Assy Speed
Peter Johnston (8890km):
5499 days ago Yes, disappointing day weather wise... again! But once again good to extract another PB from it. Great to see so many of the team down there and great to see Dr Cam still there giving it a red hot go. Good to explore Sandy Point B again but it wasn't quite as glassy flat as my last venture there with Kato. I didn't seem to have my mojo most of the time yesterday and kept falling in when I shouldn't have.
Still, always a great adventure spending a day at the PiT, taking on what Ms Nature hurls (or in yesterday's case, gently tosses) at us. Doubly frustrating to see the storm really hit as darkness fell making a particularly treacherous drive home in wild winds and at times torrential rain. Glad to car convoy most of the way back with John and Ado. Didn't get in the door until after 11pm!
Lorch DivS 63L, KA 20cm assy, 5m KA Koncept and 4.4m Koncept. Also used JP Super-x slalom board during lulls.