JAK (12211km):
5436 days ago Great sail at Area45. What looked like a waste of a day first, turned out to be a really good day with Evan (with wife Sue), Drift, Ian (from IWC) and later Moondo. After the rain eased around 1pm went out first with the big board and the beast at way less than 15 kts, but it picked up nicely and in the end had some good runs down the channel. The big board was soon a limiting factor, so changed to the Rocket and 30 mins later the beast (7.5 V8) was more than a handful. So changed to the Hellcat and kept going all afternoon with that setup. Took advice from Drift to try the channel to the left (looking from the starting point) and found some real good smooth runs whilst the sandbank was still visable. Got choppy in the end though but still fun, practicing gybing. Area45 is a nice spot (as long you know where the shallow spots are...which I learned the hard way)
A few spectacular stacks most of them due to lack of H2O under the board. One right next to Drift when I entered the gybe and mistook his stance in the water as clearance (he was sitting down in the sand ), when he got up ...ooohh sh!t, too late. (captured on video I think, can't wait to see the footage, which I may share...or not). Area45 is a really nice spot (as long you know where the shallow spots are...which I happened to learn the hard way). But I'm back soon.
Board(s) JPXcite Ride 135 / Tabou Rocket 105, Sail(s) NP 7.5 V8, NP Hellcat 6.2
Matt Hosie (137km):
5435 days ago Went up to Yarrawonga with the family camping and took up the long boards. Had 18 - 22 knots and reasonably flat water.
Mistral Superlight 2 Raceboard, IMCO fin, 8.5 Loft Switblade