Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Erik Loots | | | | | | |
Serge Beumer | | | | | | |
Mister Brace | | | | | | |
Ernesh | | | | | | |
Erik Schram | | | | | | |
Gauke de Vries | | | | | | |
No Mercy 7776 | | | | | | |
Johnny Speed |
NR11 |
Jan Wolters |
SlowMo |
Chris |
voltmeter |
Tovenaar |
Jeroen |
Niek Looze |
Ronny |
Average | 41.47 | 38.94 | 22.44 | 23.72 | 31.21 | 162.04 |
Erik Loots (9420km):
5208 days ago Used the caspar speed to gain some control on enter the course, the sonntag 28cm was a bit to hard on the chop upwind/entry course. In a few weeks a short powerfull speedfin development will start, yes I am excited ;) more:
Serge Beumer (6317km):
5208 days ago My first trip with the boat to Da Curve. It was a beautiful sunny day, warm water. Great! We were only with the 3 of us. It's nice to go out at sea but you need to watch the waterdepth, stick to the route the GPS tells you to follow and it was a lot to think about for a first time. But it's awesome to do.
When we arrived the wind was not that strong, but I planned to start on the 50cm board anyway. 6.2 the biggest sail I took with me. Started off with the 25cm C3 proto fin and it felt great from the start. It trimmed the board nicely. After about 6-7 runs I decided to change to the brand new C3 Sting 28. I immediately did a high 74 top speed and a high 72 run. The fin clearly lifts the board out of the water more. Great for chop but on a true speedcourse like this you don't need that when conditions improve. You need a very neutral board behaviour and the proto lets the board ride in the same angle, be it square or downwind, whilst the Sting lifts the board out of the water more on a square angle, which makes the board catch air sometimes. Just different fins for different conditions. the sting 28 feels great!. This first run on the Sting the wind also was significantly stronger. I decided to do 5 runs and as conditions had improved and remained pretty constant, and after that changed back to the proto 25 as it is the better fin for this stuff. Immediatley a 77 peak and 75 run in a good gust comparable to the one I had on the first run with the Sting. Never super powered today, just nicely powered up. Now let's see how these two fins compare at a place like Strand Horst.
Mister Brace (7786km):
5208 days ago
Ernesh (8169km):
5208 days ago 1 categories Mijn doel voor vandaag was om voor de afstand en het uur te gaan. Moet zeggen afstand is aardig gelukt. Helaas net geen PR op het uur. Helaas kwam de wind slecht opgang vanmorgen en kon net aan planeren. In de loop van de dag werd de teleurstellende ochtend gelukkig weer goed gemaakt. En konden er kilometers gevreten worden.
Voel me wel behoorlijk verrot, maar een leuke dag gehad.
Erik Schram (1125km):
5208 days ago wat weinig wind. de hele dag met de 8.6 gevaren. Toch lekker dagje gehad.
Gauke de Vries (18424km):
5207 days ago 2 categories Wilde vandaag veel kilometers maken. Doordat de wind er pas erg laat was en ik s'avonds uit eten moest niet geheel en al gelukt. René dat lijkt er meer op.
No Mercy 7776 (5496km):
5207 days ago see