Windxtasy (14093km):
5137 days ago Melville Beach, WA, AU
15-18 knots 85L Sonic, 5.7 Firefly, 32cm Vector
The wind was light so I thought I should rig my biggest sail but I couldn't be bothered with the cams so I went for the 5.7. I thought I won't bother with speed today I'll just work on gybes.
First run was the worst ever. Everything felt awful. Coming back from the sandbar the fin started to vibrate and I thought I'd picked up some weed. Checked it upon returning to the beach only to find the fin cover was still on! The board went a lot better after removing the fin cover but I should have left it on because on my next run toward the beach the fin a rock and took a chunk out of the fin.
After that everything went well. It was one of those days where everything feels perfectly balanced and I was having a heap of fun but totally in control. Not bad speeds either. Didn't complete any gybes but improving I think. Maybe the fin works better with a chunk out of it?
3 PB's ,whoo hoo! and just short of my 2 sec PB also. Not bad for a freestyle sail on a light wind day.