Falcon Brother 1 (14001km):
4982 days ago 2 categories Chose the 6,3 because I had limited time and wanted to be realy powered to be able to have a go at my pb at Makkum. The conditions were very choppy because of the strong wind and the high water level. So it was a struggle to get high speeds. And after every run I needed some time to catch my breath. It was fun, though. Luc, congratulations with the spot record!
Luc Salomons (10649km):
4981 days ago Falcon 79-Warp 6.3-Caspar Speed 29cm.
Yeah !! New spot PR & Spot Record. Heavy conditions, especially sailing through the waves to the Gaast side of Makkum Beach. The water level was quite high, as was the chop. After 1,5 hours the wind decreased a bit, the water level got lower also and the runs improved. Very happy I chose to go to Makkum for this Hardcore session. Respect for my (light) brother Paul. 30kg less body weight but still able to hold on to the same sail size (6,3).
Manfred (6688km):
4981 days ago 2 categories Lowwind after work session, hoped for more wind after 18.00 zo only had the small stuff with me. The KA Race also does the trick on lowwind though, its a lovely sail!
Belachelijk hoe effectief een setje kan zijn!
Pas om 18.00 op het water en er was amper genoeg wind om te kunnen planeren halve wind. In het sporadische vlaagje wat er nog over kwam versnelde de set prachtig en liep het mooi los. Had graag gebruik willen maken van de wind die er eerder op de middag was!!!
In ieder geval begin in de trim van de nieuwe 7.1 Race aardig door te krijgen, wat een heerlijk zeil is het toch!