ducati (9852km):
5059 days ago 1 categories  Point Vernon, QLD, AU 65 Retro, JP Xcite ride
Great sail with Darryl Tessy n Geoff great spot for our crappy winter southerlies
Seawitch (1969km):
5059 days ago 1 categories  Gattakers bay, southerly bit gusty but really good to have a play.futera 101, 5.5 and 6.5 ezzy, came in early as broke end of sail in middle of bay and glad to get back. Good to sail with Geoff ,Arnold and Darryl and couple of turtles!!
starboardsailor (32798km):
5059 days ago Point Vernon, QLD, AU
Fanatic Falcon 133,Ezzy Freeride 6.5.select 44cm
Great to see you posting Arnold (like putting a carrot in front of me).
