starboardsailor (32798km):
5049 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
Turbo kicked in today,well pleased with times.Shame Burrum is 30 minutes away but beats the Hervey Bay
paddling pool.Not quite as unfit as i thought i might be.
Nice sail with Geoff,Theresa and Justin.Nice to see the smiley faced iced coffee drinking kiter out on the
water too.

Dart (4539km):
5049 days ago Started on the 6.6 wich was a bit to much so I came in and rigged my 5.9 Really didn't feel good today, just couldn't seem to get comfortable, never got over done on the 5.9 but just not right. Quite suprised at my 2sec and 5x10, didn't expect that. Alpha is bout right, only had one dry gybe for the day .
Well done on the PB's Darryl.
Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
