Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Phil Bennett | | | | | | |
Peter Braun | | | | | | |
SaltyNic | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | |
AJEaster | | | | | | |
Gabe | | | | | | |
Dion | | | | | | |
Steve | | | | | | |
PD | | | | | | |
Mark Hampton |
Mark Jordan |
Trent Cooper |
Phil Luke |
Greg Cacace |
Dale Jordan |
RafD |
Jason Fardell |
Maree Jordan |
Chris K |
Garry Minogue |
Wayne Hardes |
Wally164 |
Far-Mid-North Coast |
Geoff |
Bruce |
Chris Kelemen |
Matthew Klause |
Aza |
Atomic |
Hamish Stuart |
Andre Da Costa |
Martin |
JustinL |
Ela |
Bill |
Andrew Muir |
Irishtom |
Feebz |
Stuart Grehan |
Rob |
Glenn Bolton |
Bairdy |
snelly |
Fitzy |
Brett Aqua Man Algie |
Germain |
Ricky Bobby |
Shark |
AllisonAUS911 |
Average | 32.87 | 30.69 | 17.24 | 21.81 | 25.88 | 99.05 |
Phil Bennett (4130km):
4533 days ago Queens Lake, NSW, AU Timed my trip to Queens perfectly to land between the solid front at dawn, and the next one at 2 pm. I was greeted with drizzle and 5-14 knot winds. So a full crawl-a-thon most of the time. Seen Steve down there, had one run where he was just behind me, then slowly but surely he slid past. Tried to catch up but the wave board and small sail didn't have much hope. Still cool to watch.
101 FSW, 6 mtr Hot Sail.
Peter Braun (4719km):
4533 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU A good morning's sail after nearly being blown out of Sandy Point yesterday.
SaltyNic (4631km):
4533 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Started with 7.2 & 110 Ray, then moved to 6.2 & 92 FSW, then to 6.2 & 110 Ray. Cold but fun day. Tried everything I can with gear now - faster sails, board and fin. At least now I finally know it's all me - I'm just slow! 
Mehore (24127km):
4533 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU good sail with Johnny, Spencer, Big Mike, Larko, Pete, Rob, Leo, Paul, Tod, Pete wave, Jason, Sue , Jeff and a few others, awesome numbers! On a work day as well. 7.5 Koncept 31 jp weedy 92 and 112 jp slalom Southerly 5 to 20
. (49698km):
4533 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
hey, frickin sweet sess, heaps of great dudes everywhere, larko, leo, ray, micky, petey, spencer, and big mike, your welcome, for all the advice i gave you, sweet conditions, faded away
AJEaster (3258km):
4533 days ago 2 categories   Sandy Point, Vic, AU
HMAS Big Bird (113 Falcon) + 8m Hotsails GPS + 40cm Meanline
As Byron would put it, "Armchair sailing". Very comfy on big gear today, much like last Saturday. Point the board down the strip, turn and upwind ride back, and down the strip again. Big gear has never been so much fun.
I wasn't going to set any speed records today, so I pushed for a distance PB. Cold eventually got me with cramps so I called it a day after 4.5hrs
Chips and gravy for lunch, and now a nanna nap - good times

Gabe (15447km):
4533 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Well a more moderate day by far.The rest of the team hit it before me by about 30mins.They had 7.5 to 8m. The Lake Macquarie boys were already flying around early after that huge wind of yesterday.Wind was about 15-20k frm the WSW -SW and veering a bit.
Rigged 7.9 Gaastra Vapor, Fanatic SL104 Slelect viper slam 37. Nice runs down the strip reasonably powered most of the time.I t was another day off water for Chris unfortunately. She is so disappointed, but healing well and hopes to be on water for the next blow.She took the time to hobble down the beach to take some great photos which I'll upload a couple of. Chris missed Nicole as she was in changing rigs, but hopefully next time. 
The other Marauders were giving it some down that flat straight and looking awesome.We were joined on water by Irish Tom, Byron and Nick as well as a couple of others.Byron looked so in control and smooth as was nick.I've a bit of GoPro footage to post later too,but have low battery to do it here.Byron had a GoPro hero which should have some good footage too. Hope they post it. Here's some happy snaps to enjoy for now>
Dion (9433km):
4532 days ago Queens Lake, NSW, AU Exocet warp 82l, 6.7 overdrive, c3 23. Arrived down at the lake at 215. Steve was out powering across the lake. Wind approx 10 -15kts with the odd gust a little stronger. Great fun session, glad steve was there or i would have had it all to myself.
Steve (29495km):
4532 days ago Great sail at Queens Lake with Phil and then later Dion. Wind was from the south at first and very gusty at 0-18 knots. After a couple of hours the wind went s-se and filled in nicely at 15-18 knots. Had a few long fast runs with Dion, which were great fun.
F2 sx medium, Hot sails maui 6.6m Gps, Jp 31cm weedy.
PD (3223km):
4530 days ago Gosford, NSW, AU
nice numbers micky, well done man,just neeeded to do another 200m,, great distance ajeaster and salty nic, nice one, great hr as well ajeaster, well done