ray gun (14091km):
4252 days ago Majestic Point, WA, AU ISO107, OD6.5, CF38,36.
Cold and gusty. After about 15min Gybed to head back to Majestic when all of a sudden board just let go. While in the water thought I would check to see if there was weed on the fin. No fin there it had sheared off at the base. Odd because I haven't used it much and hadn't hit anything with it. The end of the whistler.
Skated sideways back to shore and plugged in the 36. wind picked up then to 25+ went back out but was all or nothing out there, either chugging around offf the plane or getting bashed by big gusts. would have been OK if it wasn't so choppy.
Packed up and drove to melville looked alot better but was warm and cosy in the car and didn't feel like putting on a cold wetsuit.
Nice to get a sail in after so long