Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Isaac | | | | | | |
Pip (Old codger) | | | | | | |
Chinaman | | | | | | |
kato | | | | | | |
Peter Johnston | | | | | | |
Brad | | | | | | |
Sailquik | | | | | | |
Dazzer | | | | | | |
Mathew Robertson | | | | | | |
Schoolie | | | | | | |
Shelby |
Seahorse |
Nic R |
Spotty |
Mr Love |
Mal Wright |
Tom Chalko |
Stuart Eustice |
Ado |
Mal Faulkner |
andrew dickenson |
Tempest |
Tone |
supernan |
SeaSkip |
Johndog |
Neil Maskiell |
Hajime |
PMosse |
Dazman |
Troppo |
Sunshinesailorgirl |
Josh |
fordy007 |
Phee |
Adrian |
Average | 43.60 | 37.75 | 16.68 | 23.42 | 25.18 | 61.80 |
Isaac (12111km):
4146 days ago 2 categories   Mallacoota, VIC, AU carbon art slalom 96 ka koncept 66 as usual black project 34 weed speed.malacoota strip flat calm today good fun sailing wind to square for speed, old codger learnt a bit about trying to go faster, today big crash broke boom and ripped seat harness in two, wind ssw 20 to 30 gusts
Pip (Old codger) (3243km):
4146 days ago Mallacoota, VIC, AU
JP SS 109, 37 fin, 6.0 Speed Demon.
Training Day 2 on small board. Pretty wild conditions.
Only one run. Catapulted whilst hooked in and feet OUT of the straps resulting in a broken boom and the impact tore the side out of my harness. Welcome to speed sailing I hear you say.
Regardless, I had a great time with some great guys, Gary, Simon (back on the water after long layoff), Schoolie, aqnd of course Chappie who kept me company whilst I was licking my wounds.
Chinaman (2860km):
4146 days ago Mallacoota Vic,
Been nearly 4 months to the day since my last session !!!!!! Glad to be back on the water but was not expecting the wind strength that we were dealt......
no complaints but not match fit. Happy with the results considering.
I think that this is a peak PB for me square to the wind, tracks show max speed halfway along the strip.
First time using mxr weed speed & am impressed big time -faultless.
Falcon 89l, 6m overdrive & 24 mxr speed weed
kato (38241km):
4146 days ago A nice sail at the Pit with Matt and Pete while the boys play in Ludertiz. Joined this time with a few crew from the Southerly Busters. Wind took a while to arrive so it was sit around in the rain and watch the tide go out. Arrived as a westerly so Pete and I did a down winder to Sandy point B for a play on big gear. Only spent 1/2 hr on the strip as the wind went more sw and started to increase and not wanting to do the 4.5 km walk again it was back to the main game. Swapped to speed gear after that but couldn't get over 40 as it was just too south, really nice smooth track though for some fun runs that felt fast. Rescued one of the Busters who had too big a sail on a borrowed board....Mine. Nearly left him out there untill I realised with board he was on
A good fun day, here's hopping that Daffy can add to this tally with a really good Alpha on the Ludertiz speed strip 
Peter Johnston (8890km):
4146 days ago 2 categories   Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Nice day at the Pit with Kato, Mat and some of the Southerly Busters. Took a while for the wind to come in. Had a nice play down at Sandy Point B with Craig. Got back up just before the wind cranked in a bit harder. Changed down to speed board and 5.8m Koncept but fairly overpowered on that. Even with 7kg lead and water on my back I had trouble sheeting in down the run but it was getting too late to change down and the tide waits for no-one... Off the pace and really rusty from lack of sailing, but great day though. Looks like our long doledrums is finally over - second speed sail in two weeks. 
Brad (1331km):
4145 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Sailquik (29888km):
4143 days ago 1 categories  1 x 10 sec PB: 46.600 
500m PB: 45.575
100m PB: 46.998
Only did one run. I need to harden up! 
I tried to get going on the 5.0m and kept getting slammed as soon as a gust hit in the start area. Switched to the 4.6m and this is the result.
CA40, TM48, 4.6m Koncept.
Dazzer (14km):
4143 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU
Mathew Robertson (8362km):
4142 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Wind was *very* square
Schoolie (1528km):
4140 days ago 1 categories  Mallacoota Vic