Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Boombuster | | | | | | |
gregwed | | | | | | |
ZbRider | | | | | | |
Happy | | | | | | |
Martin Worling | | | | | | |
Foily Mc Foil Head | | | | | | |
mikey |
Jemo |
Chris |
Windsurfing Ninja |
Wind Glider |
Trev |
Macey |
Wile E. Coyote |
Rob |
Starkode |
Dez |
musorianin |
marty |
Average | 31.94 | 29.79 | 16.62 | 20.46 | 24.56 | 39.50 |
Boombuster (66962km):
4011 days ago 1 categories  Wellington Point, QLD, AU
When I got it was good but slowly went to the south a bit making it gusty & light at times & high tide made it choppy but not a bad sail.
JP91 Loft7 BP WS 38
gregwed (4430km):
4010 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU
Mixed day. SE wind probably peaked aboyut 18kts but mosty around 15 or so.
Used Exocet Warp 90L, Severne Gator 6M and 30cm fin.
Only a few sailing at VP. Good to meet another of the MOB - Martin W.
ZbRider (5991km):
4010 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Quick sail after work........IS80L - Evo.6 6.4m / Bp 30cm, keen to use this combo and surprise with the speed in marginal conditions!!!!Was nicely powered up during the higher wind gusts when they came through.
Just a short run but happy I managed to get out......
Happy (4838km):
4010 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Big Mistral, 6.3 and 32bps
Martin Worling (516km):
4010 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU
JP Slalom VIII 96L, Select 33cm, EVO5 6.4m. Woohoo. First time on the water for 6 weeks. Was underpowered on the 6.4m but the wind dropped off after rigging. I guess it's all the normal excuses and wasn't a bad afternoon in the end. Good to meet Greg too.
Foily Mc Foil Head (5642km):
4010 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Hmmmm Planning 50% of time wind died as i got out :( struggle street day with one puff of a gust that came through!
Barely worth the rigging time but why not its holiday time....haha