denisspb (9772km):
3944 days ago Washoe Lake, NV, US
It was windy all day but not as strong as expected and still pretty gusty with lots of holes which made 1hour impossible. Was thinking to go early in the morning but only came around 12:30 and missed all strongest gusts of the day. Forecast was 22mph gusting to 38mph but it didn't happen. I've had some Rodeo action hitting fish maybe 6-8 times and trying to stay in foot straps.. That Hot Rod fin handles fish impacts perfectly, unlike other fins doesn't start to spin out after every contact with the fish, only happened once when some fish scales left on it. Something wrong with my distance, I was trying to make 150km but wind died around 6:30pm and I stopped with 78 Nautical Miles on odometer, which supposed to be somewhere over 140km. I came out 3 times for lunch and change harness lines twice, maybe walked 1km in total but not 20.. Must be something with my GPS set up. Boris had something similar, will ask him when he'll get back.
Manta 98L, 6.6 Koncept, 31cm Hot Rod