DanP (6533km):
3792 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, Vic, AU
What a ripping evening . Big crew on the water and everything just felt comfy like Tues night. Love love love this combo.... except for the farken footstraps!! 2 sessions into the summer and i have holes in my feet, on the knuckle on my big toes .
Did 1 gybe in front of the camera for Kato, i reckon that was my 25 . Had my GPS set on KPH all session so didnt know how fast i was going and didnt bother looking, might do that all the time. Thought Daffy was the only one to luck onto gust of the day... seems like i got it too... even though i was following Kato down the run, it was a 35.8 10sec.
iSonic 86 Slim, 6.5 NCX, 30cm Venom
Sailed with Daz, Postie, Kempster, Roy, Kato & Daffy... with a late cameo from Tony.
Sorry Daz - think we missed the KM jellybean - i reckon i needed 2-3 more KM's to get it for us.