Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Chrisy | | | | | | |
Dogfish | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley | | | | | | |
Ant | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
Dickie | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
Normski |
Camel |
will |
Mike G |
Duncan |
JK |
Woody |
RedSurfBus |
Rob King |
Goostaff |
Tris |
Jim |
Cheese |
Gav |
SimonH |
Stinky pete |
Sam Anstey |
James Faley |
TJ |
TJ |
George Fulton |
Mark newman |
Pippington |
Average | 43.11 | 38.97 | 16.54 | 23.91 | 28.70 | 62.03 |
Chrisy (2200km):
3697 days ago 1 categories  tarmac flat but wind dropped suddenly think iv done pb on alpa but cant work out how to check and with top speeds so low it was only done due to wind direction.... It was sofa style ( dfs )
Dogfish (14874km):
3697 days ago 2 categories  
Jim Crossley (5677km):
3697 days ago 2 categories   Great of Bob to show me his local spot. The wind didn't come to the party so it was a sink and swim.... but it was interesting to give the spot a go. It has potential to be really fast when the direction is a bit more NW. Good to have a place like this not so far from home and I will be watching the forcast looking fwd to going back.
Ant (5703km):
3697 days ago 1 categories  Bonus session today at Kingsbridge Esturay Devon.. Nice to try out a new spot that looks like it has good potential on a good forecast with super flat water. I arrived a bit late as the wind was dropping off so only managed a couple of 43 peaks and low avrage speed.
The walk out is a killer and even worse on the way back in knee deep mud. would prefer the walk out at southend any day ;)
The Matrix (20956km):
3697 days ago A nice sail test for camel who looked to be going well.
Dickie (8385km):
3696 days ago nice to be first on the water today worth getting up for very enjoyable ,
good to sail with David (need some tips on my gybes please my mate chris is kicking my ass)
crap drive to portsmouth accident on M27 done 2 miles in an hour at one point GRRR
Swagger (5821km):
3696 days ago 1 categories  Messed around to much,
Must do better.