ray gun (14091km):
3598 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Isonic 107, 87, Overdrive 6.7, Cf 38, VDWS 25.
When the wife got home and said you are free I headed down to the river to the sight of wind, wind and more wind.
After the very gently cruise yesterday i was hoping for something better today and it was delivered in buckets full.
2 runs across the river and was thinking I had rigged wrong board was trying to take off and so went in to change down and pull out the 87, this procedure was being repeated all over the grass area as people came back in to rigg small.
I decided to change board and hold on to the 6.7, everything felt way better so went for some runs across the lumpy goodness. Got some nice mid 32s' out in the worst of it with some crazy airs of the sort that are not meant, but totally unavoidable as you can see whats coming and just have to take it as you run over the back of the moguls. after a while I came in for a drink and to ahve a chat to Obi. As he left Troutty was strolling across the grass looking all Hi-vis and ready to wash the dirt off. he said follow me and we went down to the point. Water was much nicer and sailed down the run hoping to time it with a nice gust. 32s and 33s followed until I finally timed it right and got a bone rattling 34. after a few underdone runs I called it quits and headed in with a very big grin.
Thanks Fishpants for dragging me out again it was absolutely awesome to get a pb at the local.