Mehore (24127km):
3718 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU. Sweet sesh today with solid NEr 15/20 knts. Not much flat but great fun. Foot has split bad again and its the other foot this time so ended up cutting the sail short. Heaps out. 7.5 koncept 22 Delta slalom 115 Patrik slalom. Go Marauders!!! Have a nice trip Captain.

Matt D (32267km):
3718 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Nice breeze when I first got out but died quickly! Lot of people out Micky, Johnny, Wayno, Paul, Bruce, Geoff, Paul C and Graham to name a few.
I took the S Type for a spin it is sooo! forgiving with the 7.3 Loft and 20 cm delta.
Well done Micky smashing Hour!!!

Wayno (16997km):
3718 days ago 1 categories  Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU - sweet NE 20-25 knots on not so smooth water unless you got up really high but the wind was not as strong there. HSM 6.6GPS with CA SL55 and 19cm Delta
Oh well it was still pretty good. Did a big bear-off and had the back end of the board let go doing over 30 knots and said my prayers, but it came back as easily as it let go. Phew.....think it may have been my fastest run, just a bee's dick off a 33!!! Bumpy as all .............
Plenty out including Brucey, Micky, Matty, Suey, Johnny, and later Pauly D and Pauly C. All looking sweet and fast. Wind did back later in session.
Cheers All.