Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Trojan | | | | | | |
dr cam | | | | | | |
Peter AUS466 | | | | | | |
Kel | | | | | | |
Ian | | | | | | |
Sausage | | | | | | |
Freddy Burke | | | | | | |
Eddy | | | | | | |
Billy | | | | | | |
NBR | | | | | | |
James | | | | | | |
Troppo |
Herby |
Rowdy |
Sailpilot |
Rossco |
Hoppybob |
Regs |
Locky |
Gaz |
Al |
Flying Dutchman |
Luca Sansalone |
Pacman |
Squid Lips |
Toody |
Sharyn |
Richard Reynolds: Rico |
Jason |
Billy Green Island |
Dave |
Richo |
Andrew |
Brynoz |
Snorkel962 |
Gustfront |
Bindi |
Kiera |
Benny McCarthy |
Islandboydaz |
boxy |
binny |
Alvadave |
Pencil Neck |
Average | 39.28 | 36.65 | 19.87 | 23.34 | 28.47 | 91.43 |
Trojan (8467km):
3600 days ago Mackay, QLD, AU
Cold gusty south to south easter. 7.5 Ezzy, Fanatic Hawk, Swapped to 85 wide Starboard Formula then back again. Best speeds on the Formula, well powered up at times and getting a bit frisky..
Hope the GI crew get some good numbers, plenty of breeze at arlington.
dr cam (41753km):
3600 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU wind 22-28 knots SSE ,Neap tides .Gear Iso 80 RSR E5 6.4 Tribal SW 27 then 25 .
Fantastic fun with Captn Morgan ,Nigel & Bindy .
Missed the morning session with ella's hockey commitments but afternoon session was so good that it didnt matter .
Peter AUS466 (4131km):
3600 days ago Hollaways Beach. homemade polyester speed board 6.8 Hotsail 33cmx70 ally fin.
Third sail in the last couple of weeks but the first I could record after drowning my GT31. Today was my first use of my Canmore which worked well through KA 72. Very up and down sail with the low volume board. At one stage was trying to water start for maybe 20 minutes but enjoying being out on the water again.
Kel (36845km):
3600 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU
Another Great day at the island! Sailed with Bindi, Nigel and Cam, Great tide all day, with a nice 25 to 28.
Was going to sail on the slalom gear but was having way too much fun on the speed board!
Used Isonic 49, Isonic 90, Overdrive R6 6.2, C3 SS 21, Viper32, And Cams 23 Tribal Speed weed!(Very Nice!!!!!)
Ian (2269km):
3600 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU. Great turnup at Port today, sailed with James, Sharron, Ed, Fred, Billy, Andrew and a Brisbane friend of Billys.
Well done Fred you got the PB that you were trying for.
Exocet TB, Areotech 6, FW35
Sausage (22853km):
3600 days ago iS117W, 7.8SwitchBlade, 42 CL Sl2 - Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU SE 12-15kn
Convinced Rissoles (brother) and Hargs (dirty kiter) to come for a sail so had to rig & sort their shit out first. Wind was building but quickly died and was going to call it quits without dipping my toe in the water but looked out wide and it seemed to be picking up. Took a chance and got lucky for half an hour or so. First sail in about a month too and first real hit out with the old switchblade (the 7.8 RBlade has seen better days) - quiet happy with it but just doesn't have the same upper oomph the Blades exhibit. Boardies and rashie only on a cracking saturday arvo.
Freddy Burke (12114km):
3600 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU
dinner is on the table ....back later
made the trip to port with Hoppy Bob sailors around when we arrived so set up and started sailing about 1:45pm.
maybe I was on the water for about an hour before I was joined by Ian,James,Andrew,Edd,Sharon, Billy and Alan from Brisvagas.
Wind direction and strength was good although a little rough. Edd's apprentice/wing man Andrew is certainly improving under sensi
Edds watchfull eye.
Congratulations to Ian and Eddy on their PB'S....GREAT session this afternoon....I think all had a great time.
Eddy (24342km):
3600 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU Was a bit frustrated i missed out on a Green Island session it all went 'pear shaped' at the last mimite..So i decided to smash it as hard as i could in my own back yard..Had good wind and water was nicely cut up..Sailed the last quarter of session a bit shagged and a bit over powered,should not of stopped for a chat..went from being fully pumped to being stiff and a bit cool to finish session..Was good to see a collection of wind surfers on the water..97lt isonic Burnt out 6.6m north rig cranked down hard.36cm sting fin...Good sail good company..
Billy (10673km):
3600 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU
First up, huge congrats to Freddy, Ian and Ed for there respective PB's today - well done lads.
The Guns - GI - unloaded again. Great speeds from Cam and Kel. Attainment befitting only a few.
Great day for it. Wind some where in the range of 23-27, me thinks. Some really huge rolling waves out the back and rough to boot in between. Really struggled to get comfortable today. The old ankle slaps are still nerving me up and as a result spent way to much time going up wind. Got to grow a set I think. Cant go round doin that all me life.
On the few times I headed down wind, it was decidely spreckle clentching and on two occasions the front end buried in, causing all sorts of vial expletives to be released.
Great day to catch up with the mountain men/women - Sharon, James and Ian and Ed, Andrew , Fred, Sir Hoppy Bob and my new found mate Allan who was in town holidaying.
iS90, Drake 34, 6.5 T4.
NBR (16665km):
3600 days ago Green Island, QLD, AU 101Futura 6.5 Ezzy Lion, great session with Cam, Kel and Belinda. Thanks for the sailing tips Kel. A great day and a session on Green with this crew should be on everyone's to do list.
James (894km):
3598 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU. Had a great day nice solid 20 kn all day and beautiful sunshine.