Frothie (4243km):
3192 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU CA225, Maui 10m, delta 30.
Better than yesterday got planning 1/2 the time which is ok. I got pretty close to a plainning jybe but just missed?
Heaps out considering how many away (hope your all having a great time!) Micko and Johnny are a joy to watch out in the flat!!! I had Johnny come screaming in for a jibe infront of Jason and myself with a full on commitment face and a new haircut! I shoulda had a camera?
. (49698km):
3192 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Super sweet sess.......Magnificent seven.......great to c ya Micky, you looked fricken marvellous out there today
Great to c Frothie, Sue and Wayno....all looking great
c ya all soon
Mehore (24127km):
3192 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU. Pretty good sesh today with quite a few out. NE 15/18 knts maybe and flat as over the thick weed beds. Nice to meet Peter from the northern sector coming down for the first time and having a fun sail. 7.5 koncept 22 Delta sl 115 Patrik sl. Go Marauders!! Goin off Froth looking reall comfy mate. Ill be expecting some good numbers from you today Johnny, really lookin good!!!
Wayno (16997km):
3192 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU a nice NE 15-18knots with a few bigger gusts. HSM 6.6 with CA SL55L and 19cm Delta. Never really got any big pushes just a few smaller ones.
Good sailing with Peter from MNC Marauders, Micky, Mike, Sue, Johnny, Old Al and one or two others including Mick S from LM.
Super flat in the weed beds but think we need a bit of rain to top it up a bit.
Go CC Marauders.