Barton (5511km):
3090 days ago 2 categories Floris Lake, OR, USA
Sailworks Retro 5.5, Bolt 95, MFC Weedfin Wind: 25 20G30 knots
Short session before the wind picked up to 30+ knots average, gusting 35 knots. Could/should have rerigged but was too lazy,cold, and muscles were already cramping from yesterday's execise, and I had already achieved my goal for the day of topping 30 knots.
Got my first 30.96 knots on the GW052 dial on the second run. As I have been told many times, speed sailing is mental - even in small, less than one foot chop the run got my adrenaline pumping. Kudos to everyone that is in the 35+ catagory, especially the chop that Roo deals with .
Roo (15866km):
3090 days ago Hood River Sandbar Channel Course, Hood River, The Gorge, USA
Naish SP80, Loft RB 5.6 Vector Raven 26
Ah to be 40 again, 3 runs with over 40 knots today. Sweet session out in the Columbia River channel with only a small stretch of flat water before you had to launch it into the chop. Stopping was the hardest as it was a fine line deciding how far to venture out into the chop before you got bounced off the board. Not a lot of sand being lifted from the sandbar so hard to judge the gusts. Worth it though to hear bitching Betty belting out a 41! Billy no mates today, Barton has buggered off in the Hilton RV to the coast to chase PBs....pussy! Could have had flat water here.
Peter (48917km):
3090 days ago 1 categories Kalmus, Cape Cod. Freestyle session starting on 6.5, switched to 5.6 when the wind picked up to 20 mph readings (actual wind is a bit higher in straight S). Lovely session at low tide, but had left the slalom gear at home. Still hacking away at upwind 360s since it's so nice to fall while the water is so warm. Watched Nina get closer and closer on the Flaka. Some of her pops with upwind 360s at the end look darn close to "girly Flakas". She may get one that she claims just in time before the ABK camp in 3 weeks.
Congrats to the PBs, Barton! Nice numbers, Roo.