Peter (48505km):
2937 days ago Duxbury Bay, N wind at low tide. Had to sail downwind of the bridge due to low tide, which added gustyness to wind that was very up and down (10-35 mph). Not what I expect from Duxbury! Top speed after the tide had risen enough to sail the north side, but there were tons of kiters out there, and it would have needed another 3 ft of water to be ideal. As it was, I got just one good run in before the wind disappeared almost completely, barely giving me enough power to lift the sail while butt sailing downwind to the other shore. Temperatures were in the mid-40s F (8 C), water a bit warmer, some sun and rain but mostly clowds. But at least the jacuzzi was warm when we got home!
Alsosnoff (12786km):
2937 days ago 2 categories Seaside Park, NJ, US. NNW 12-18ml. Plesant session, srossing 2 mile bay in 55 F.
iSonic 90L, Point-7 7,9m, Fin Deboichet SL4 40cm.