Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Andrew Haigh | | | | | | |
Murray Towndrow | | | | | | |
Greg Kiskarpati | | | | | | |
Bostonfoil | | | | | | |
Byron Mcilveen | | | | | | |
Bruce Healey | | | | | | |
rus13b | | | | | | |
Tibor | | | | | | |
Tim Ford |
James Farley |
Mick Saunders |
GeoffS |
Big Tom |
nick0 |
Ian Wright |
John Pearce |
Glenn Rumford |
Steve Walsh |
adamhatfield |
Hugh |
Ben Turner |
Cluffy |
sboardcrazy |
Bear |
Nige Watts |
Timbotto |
Ant-man |
mick13B |
Woody |
katelyn |
Chopper |
Brent Hopkins |
Craig Forbes |
Where's Leanne |
MobZ |
Croanster |
dutchie1964 |
Àkos Molnàr |
dutchie1964 |
Kev |
Brett |
Average | 35.90 | 34.16 | 20.17 | 22.34 | 25.68 | 74.52 |
Andrew Haigh (51606km):
3018 days ago 1 categories  Coal Point, NSW, AU
RS3 and 6.6m. Nice Boxing day NE. Must have been 20 guys out off Coalie
Murray Towndrow (8742km):
3018 days ago Belmont Bay (Slipways), NSW, AU
117 isonic
42 zulu
kit spot on
nice deep runs in some solid gusts

Greg Kiskarpati (21608km):
3018 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU Warp 7.0 / RS4 Super day at coalie , at least 20 guys out blasting around . beautiful day . great sailing with so many out .
Bostonfoil (17127km):
3018 days ago Swansea, NSW, AU
Falcon 113 KAR 7.1 BP Speed Weed 34.
Awesome sail with every man and his dog out. As many people out as ive seen on Lake Mac. Probably could have used the smaller board and sail but no complaints! 15-20kts ENE and was pretty consistant for the 4hrs I was on the water. A great day.

Byron Mcilveen (65961km):
3018 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
Maui TR11 6.6, Exocet RS2, select V Max 33.
such a nice place to sail must have been 20 sailors out today.
resting in clear water on the underwater sand bank and chating looking over the lake is prety cool.
Bruce Healey (24968km):
3018 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
At last a good nor easter that I was there for. RS1,80l, 23 fin. Thanks to Matt for loan of a GPS after my grandson has hidden mine. The whole world was there excepy Wayno.
rus13b (5261km):
3018 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU
mistral 91, 6.2 reflex 32 weedy.
Was super ruff & bumpy out there 2day, need a wave board for the mess.
better over the islands much smoother but gusty & not realy the right angle.
2morow mayb a better day.
Tibor (18739km):
3012 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Best NE arvo!...7m. OD+90L isonic+23weedie.. Good to feel powered up a bit for a change! Obviously we were at the better place for speed.
Bruce did well!!!
Loved it with everyone else l am sure!
Looked impressive at 4.30.wish I'd had my camera..Looked 20 -22kts..? How strong?