dr cam (41674km):
2878 days ago Albany, WA, AU.Awesome day at Lilacs Frenchmans Bay Albany .Sailed in 20-28 knots of Easterly wind & had a ball .
Tried for an hour & for once succeeded -everything worked today to bring the hour together -really smooth water at the lilacs end & good but not great gybing conditions at the yacht club end .
Used the Iso 80 RSR E 7 5.8 & Tribal SW 21 ( it worked really well ...!!!)
Stroppo & Hardie were on fire Speed wise & Daffy as always looked to be doing everything right
Almost took Stroppo out at one point -had a weed wrap which briefly made sailing feel like ice skating with no edge -sail clipped him on the back & damaged a finger nail-lucky it wasnt worse
Good times