Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
DazzaJ | | | | | | |
Sav | | | | | | |
Kempsta | | | | | | |
Naz | | | | | | |
Tone | | | | | | |
IdoSail | | | | | | |
Matt Hosie |
madventure |
B3 |
Bella |
Laurie Spies |
Tim Pittaway |
Hazza1 |
BigEzy |
Vitaly |
John N |
Geoffee |
PJ |
Rom |
AUS2804 |
Average | 34.95 | 33.49 | 13.88 | 21.26 | 26.99 | 50.13 |
DazzaJ (11246km):
2697 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Fun day out
Sav (2727km):
2697 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
GPS racing with IWC on 20-25kts easterly. A bit choppy, with a few holes. Atomiq 100, 34 Zulu fin, 6.3 North Ram / 5.2 Soul Wave
Kempsta (10742km):
2697 days ago Nice sail with a few boys
Very gusty had few good runs on my jelly legs after doing the Bass coast cycle challenge
IS 87, NCX 6.5, Tribal 23
Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Naz (10093km):
2697 days ago 2 categories   Sandy Point, Vic, AU 108 SL CA, 6.6 Koncept, 31 Tribal Weedie

Tone (4554km):
2696 days ago Sandy Point IWC Freerace Cheers Doug for running it
after trying the 112l isonic with a 6.5m at 10.30am- wrong move, went back down to 4.7m Evo with the 94l isonic- much better- wind for sure averaging 18 to 23knts E
Low tide- some bommies appearing ow Not weed clumps... Not a great continous sailing day for me- did not try jibing much as not used to setup, but managed some good speed runs but low kms as usualused best times from GT31 or GW30....
25 runs at over 20knts, 17 over 500m at 20+ so not a bad combo for me

IdoSail (86km):
2696 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU - first GPS race by Inverloch windsurfing club