Amado (27km):
2534 days ago 2 categories
Lac Bay, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Severne Mach 1 8.6, JP HydroFoil 135L Wind: 15 knots or less. Session from about 4:20 to 5:50
Barton (5511km):
2534 days ago
Lac Bay, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
2017 GA Vapor 7.9, 2017 iSonic 127 Ultra, Drake Carbon Slalom 44, Wind ~15 knots
Happy 70th Birthday to me , Got to try out the 'new to me' 127 L iSonic and give the 'new to me' Vapor 7.9 another go. Spent a bunch of time waiting for wind after a big squall came through and messed up conditions for over an hour. Once I was on the water, the first noticable difference between the older iSonics and the 2017 is the foot straps. While the new footstraps are nice, flexible, and comfortable, they collapse VERY easily which made it a challenge the first few runs to get my back foot in the straps. Over time this got better with the last three attempts being a success on first attempt. The second noticable difference is this board FEELS AS WIDE AS A HOUSE DOOR . Pops on a plane easily but I feel like I'm trying to steer an aircraft carrier... Again, over time I'll hopefully get used to this. On the last run, at least I made the jibe. On the plus side, it looks like it will do exactly what I purchased it for - allow me to not be slogging in light winds.