Old Salt (14528km):
2607 days ago Tricky gusty sail with a killer chop coming from the NW.
Chose the right sail but the wrong board. Went for the 7.0NCX which was good because the gusts were coming out of nowhere and the 8.0 would have been too much.
But the Ultrasonic was just too much of a handfiul in the greedy chop with the drake 50.
All up, still a very pleasant day on the water....
West Busselton, WA, AU
Zuls (1682km):
2607 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU
Fanatic Falcon 90, NP EVO7 6.4, super weed 23
Out with ratz, we both over estimated breeze, under done on 6.4
Great session racing the kites, wind came in late but too stuffed to go out.