Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Moz | | | | | | |
Helga | | | | | | |
Rudi | | | | | | |
Vindr | | | | | | |
Robbo | | | | | | |
Brynoz | | | | | | |
Astrid | | | | | | |
Shield Crusher | | | | | | |
Gusto | | | | | | |
Hawk | | | | | | |
Knut |
Haggar |
Gmac |
Box56 |
Shifu |
Happy |
Kenlo |
Dylan72 |
???? |
Murf |
Ragnar Lothbrook |
Average | 31.03 | 29.02 | 18.54 | 19.77 | 26.29 | 57.42 |
Moz (12423km):
2612 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU
Military Jetty - Long runs and a great sail!
7,5 & Tabou Rocket 69
Helga (25536km):
2612 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU 7.1 point 7 112 rrd. Gusty sail at the lake . Out with the usual gang
Rudi (43093km):
2612 days ago 1 categories  Lake Weyba, QLD, AU..XFire 98..29 wsp..7.0 o/d...couldnt get comfortable on the gear today..
Vindr (14000km):
2612 days ago 1 categories  Lake Weyba, QLD, AU a big days sail with pete greg anne and paul. very gusty and choppy
Robbo (8693km):
2612 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU
Started off as bit light and tide was already running out. Most of the time waws on the F111 with Firefly 6.1
When the wind kicked in I changed down to the Patrik 92 for a quick blast.
Brynoz (2813km):
2612 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU 10-20 SSE Out with Greg, Anne, Paul and Pete.
Turned up at lake with no wind and cups of tea being drunk. Wind had been and gone. Rigged 7.8 and by the time i was ready to go it was back to 20 knot gusts. Changed board from 113L down to 99L and 34 FO Nitro. Wind was gusting and swinging but combo worked really well. Firt time I've tried a 7.8 on such a small board. Happy with the hour.
Astrid (22412km):
2612 days ago 1 categories  Military Jetty, QLD, AU underdone to start with but pciked up nicely around 2pm to be powered on the 6.6 and small board choppy with no flat water anywhere with the big high tide today. Unfortunately wind swung more SE from ESE so run wasnt as long as it was before still nice to get an average of 2km runs in and the sun was shining
Shield Crusher (10651km):
2612 days ago 1 categories  Military Jetty Golden Beach, QLD, AU Mums 5.5 HSM GPS , Exocet 91/31 select
Gusto (1857km):
2612 days ago 1 categories  Golden Beach, QLD, AU a quick spin on the pond late arvo ..gusty, choppy and rippy ,but better than nothing ... tabou 97 with 7.0 OD
Hawk (36254km):
2582 days ago Wanaka, Otago, NZ 94 jp .5.0 np